"I don’t get nearly enough credit in life for the
things I manage not to say."
Meg Rosoff. How I Live Now.“Nick Taylor: If your parents told you that chocolate was dangerous, would you take their word for it?
[Children say no]
Nick Naylor: Exactly! So perhaps instead of
acting like sheep when it comes to cigarettes, you should find out for
Aaron Eckhart. Thank You for Smoking.
"Those are my principles. If you don't like them,
I have others."
Groucho Marx.
The Autobiography of Ben and Bob
Chapter 8: Father of the Bride - or - Rent-a-Baby
My daughter is getting married in a few weeks and asked me to
say a few words at the wedding. It’s hard not to get sappy at such occasions. After all, I have
only one child and I hope she will only get married once – so, by definition,
this is a once in a lifetime opportunity: not just to tell her how much I love
her and to welcome my new son-in-law to the family, but also to reminisce about
her childhood and have some fun in the process.
when she was two or three years old, we found her behind a sofa at home emptying
single serve packets of sugar onto potato chips and eating them with obvious pleasure.
After scratching our heads for a few minutes, we informed her that this was an
unusual choice and that one did not typically mix those two particular food
items together. Years later, the story would come back to haunt us as more and
more snacks started showing up in the market with both sweet and salty
ingredients: chocolate covered pretzels, truffles with sea salt or wrapped in
bacon, kettle corn, you name it. It became obvious that we had stifled the
creativity of a Julia Child in the making. “I coulda been somebody… I coulda
been a contender,” she tells us mischievously when we remind her of the

course, like any other father, I think my daughter walks on water and am very
proud of her. Not just because she’s highly educated (how many other kids out
there have a doctorate in law and a masters degree in international relations
and a bachelors in French literature?) or that she is simultaneously adjunct
professor at two universities while also joggling a full-time job, but because
that job – and her calling in life – is to help the poor, the downtrodden, the
refugees, the immigrants, and the homeless. She is truly helping her community be a better place - first hand.
as a college student, she would go off to Africa to work on the war crimes
tribunals in one country or to help the refugees in another country. Her favorite topic when looking for a new book to read? Genocide! I once
asked her why she chose this path in life. She looked at me like the answer was
obvious and said, “It was because of you, dad. You made me watch all those
documentaries as a child and you made me read all those books.” I felt at once
proud and guilty.
as part of her job, she helped form legal policy and pass regulations to help
the homeless and the poor. I used to joke that I didn’t know where she got her
social conscience from, given that her father was an unrepentant capitalist but
what I came to realize was that she shared many of the same ideals as I do; she
just had the guts to act on them. And for that I admire her.
she was a baby, I made up a secret word to describe her: “bingly”. The word was later
broadened in scope to include all things cute and cuddly and is still used by
the two of us to signify the sighting of a cute baby at a shopping mall: “Watch
out… Bingly at two o’clock”, or an adorable puppy on Youtube. Later I found out
that there was a Mr. Bingley in Pride and
Prejudice, but by then the word had caught on and we continued to use it in
our own way.
The two of us even came up with a great (tongue in cheek) business idea around our obsession with cute babies: Rent-a-Baby. We would open a store at the local shopping mall where parents could drop off their kids to play - just like the ones that already exist in many shopping malls. Except, we would also optionally allow our other customers (newlyweds and couples planning on becoming parents) an opportunity to spend quality time with these same kids - paying us for the chance to "rent a baby" for an hour to see if they're ready for the real experience. Of course, the secret motive behind our business idea was that the two of us - the proprietors - would get to play with all the binglies, too.
my advice to my future son-in-law is to take good care of her. Not just because
she is a great human being, but because she is also very bingly.
Good post! As a fellow father a couple years behind you, I loved the "guilty and proud" comment. Ben we will miss your leadership at the virtualization company you helped build. It is a shame that we never worked directly together.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if you could add a "Join this site" button to this blog. That would make it easier for people to follow.
ReplyDeleteThere is a "Subscribe to" button at the top right of the page.
DeleteI've always enjoyed reading your lengthy e-mail updates, especially non-technical parts :) You have a way with words and a natural gift of comedy. Congratulations on your daughter's nuptials - she's a beauty! Those eyes!
ReplyDeleteI will miss your "bold" jokes a lot! ;)
Yulia W.
Your daughter is a bingley. You must be so proud of her. Will miss your long emails, the funny quotes, and your quest to cure baldness. Bon voyage.
ReplyDeleteCongs! Great father.
ReplyDeleteAs a Chinese Engineer, It took me a lot of time to understand your 10-pages-long email update in the beginning. But gradually I loved to read them - quotes, April Jokes like vDrone.
ReplyDeleteYour daughter must be proud of you too.
Finally - "Forever Young" Bod Dylan